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Are you ready to transform your business and take control of your destiny? Imagine a life where you have the time, money, and freedom you’ve always dreamt of. Join us for an exclusive one day workshop that promises to reshape your business and elevate your quality of life. As a dedicated business owner, you deserve nothing less!
In this power packed workshop, you’ll embark on a journey of self discovery and strategic planning. The first half of the day will be dedicated to a comprehensive exploration of your company’s strengths, financial standing, and target markets. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be prepared to tackle the challenges and questions that have held you back for too long.
By the end of this workshop, you will walk away with:
- A comprehensive action plan tailored to your business’s unique needs.
- A well-defined process to drive success and growth.
- The confidence to create the life you desire with the time, money, and freedom you deserve.
Registration closes FEbruary 18, 2025 is FREE for iMarket clients - use code imarket25 at check out.

Save your seat for the can't miss event of the year! As the business landscape evolves, it's crucial to stay up to date with the latest trends to ensure success in the coming year. Join us for a 3-day bootcamp to prepare you for 2026 with a comprehensive review of all business processes and prioritization of your company goals.
Key Takeaways Include:
✅ Business Planning: Uncover the secrets to crafting a winning business plan that sets you up for success.
✅ Growth Planning for Scale: Learn invaluable techniques to scale your business and achieve sustainable growth.
✅ Goal Setting: Master the art of setting clear, actionable goals that drive results.
✅ Budgeting: Gain practical insights into effective budgeting practices that maximize your resources.
✅ Marketing Plans: Discover innovative marketing strategies to elevate your brand and reach your target audience.
✅ People Planning: Unlock the secrets to building and managing a high-performing team.
Registration is FREE and open for current iMarket clients only. There is currently a limit of (4) attendees per company. Each attendee must submit their own individual registration.
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